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Дата публикации:

The Abbey - Director´s cut (STEAM ключ) | Region free

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Ключ активации Steam от игры The Abbey - Director´s cut. Без региональных ограничений.

Leonardo de Toledo, a former adviser to the Emperor, visit an old abbey in a desolate rocky mountain.
His wisdom gives the abbot the opportunity to discover what lies behind the strange death of the brother gate-keeper and certain supernatural events that ocurred in the library.
Fray Leonardo will investigate all the clues to clarify what happened. But the moment they arrive everything rush when someone tries to end their lives...

Ссылка на игру в Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1019020/The_Abbey__Directors_cut/

Претензии принимаются ТОЛЬКО если есть видео (начиная с покупки и до активации ключа)!

Все товары продавца https://po.plati.market/seller/galala/726884

Очень приятно получать от вас хорошие отзывы 😊

Цена: 35 руб.

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